Who are STEP’s Student Liaison Officers?
STEP’s Student Liaison Officers (SLOs) volunteer their time to contribute to their local STEP branches, specifically in regions where members are undertaking STEP qualifications. The role of the SLO is to support members who are studying, as well as to raise the profile and value of STEP courses. Some of the ways SLOs do this include organising local events for those studying, holding study sessions and gathering feedback from members undertaking STEP qualifications.
Coming together
In July 2023, SLOs from around the world came together for two online workshops hosted by STEP and STEP’s education partner, CLT International (CLTI). It was a fantastic opportunity for STEP to meet some of the individuals who are supporting members at a local level. The members whom SLOs support are often those who are newly embarking upon their studies and so are only just beginning their journey with STEP. The SLO’s role is vital in building those early relationships with new members.
The key focus of the workshops was for STEP and CLTI to equip the SLOs with as much information as possible on the new STEP Diploma framework. CLTI has made several enhancements to the student journey and the new STEP Diploma offers both flexibility and structured recommendations for certain career pathways, depending on the needs and preferences of each student. In addition, the SLOs in attendance were provided with information on the Branch Portal and how the STEP Branch Support team can assist them. Finally, the sessions included an update on the other routes to join STEP and the ways employers can get involved in supporting local growth.
For those unable to attend, the sessions were recorded and are now hosted on the Branch Portal for all Branch Officers to access.
The SLOs in attendance asked meaningful questions and were open about their uncertainties around the role’s purpose and the support available. This highlighted the importance of sessions like this in providing vital support to Branch Officers. As a result, STEP now plans to hold workshops of this nature more regularly. STEP is also carrying forward further suggestions of how to build on this engagement and ensure we have a community of SLOs sharing ideas on best practice and supporting each other.
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