Member Q&A - Assad Abdullatiff TEP
How did you first get involved with STEP?
My entry into STEP came through an introduction by Muhammad Uteem, a distinguished law practitioner in Mauritius who is actively engaged with the Society. Upon further exploration, I realised that STEP’s focus on trusts and estates aligned well with my own professional expertise and interests. Consequently, I made the decision to become a member, recognising the value it would bring to my career.
What changes have you seen since then?
Locally, STEP Mauritius has undergone a significant transformation. Initially, membership was sparse and it was challenging to recruit volunteers for committee roles. Today, the branch boasts over 200 members and serves as the authoritative voice for the trust and estate sector in Mauritius. Internationally, STEP has also expanded its reach and impact. Notably, its governance structures have been refined and there is a heightened focus on strategic planning to navigate the evolving landscape of the industry.
Can you take us through some of the roles you’ve held at STEP during this time?
I’ve had the opportunity to serve in numerous capacities within my local STEP branch, ascending from a committee member to roles such as Treasurer, Secretary, Vice Chair and, ultimately, Chair. In 2013, I was appointed to Council and advanced to the Board in 2019, where I am currently in my second and final term. Additionally, since early 2023, I have chaired the Professional Development Committee, of which I have been a member since 2016. I also lead the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee, which was institutionalised as a permanent subcommittee of the Board in 2022. I’m also part of the STEP China Working Group.
What is your goal as Chair of STEP’s EDI Committee?
My primary objective is to foster an environment within STEP that is genuinely inclusive, equitable and diverse. The mission extends beyond mere compliance or ticking boxes; it aims to drive cultural transformation within the organisation. My ultimate goal is to establish STEP as a model of best practice in EDI for the industry.
What motivated you to join the Professional Development Committee?
Education has been a cornerstone in my life, influenced by a family steeped in educational pursuits. I established one of Mauritius’ leading private law schools many years ago and, more recently, the Axis Academy. Recognising that education is one of the core pillars of STEP, my involvement in the Professional Development Committee holds particular significance. It serves as a natural extension of my enduring commitment to elevate educational standards and enrich the skillsets within the organisation and the broader industry.
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