31 March 2023 Issue 2

Strengthening a global connection

Welcoming the new worldwide Chair of STEP, Tony Pitcher TEP

Joining in December 1993, Tony Pitcher TEP was one of STEP’s earliest members. Thirty years later, and with 40 years’ experience in the financial services industry, he has been elected as worldwide Chair.

The self‑proclaimed ‘Jerseyman through and through’ was first introduced to STEP by Peter Pexton, the first Chair of the STEP Jersey Branch.

The Jersey Branch was where it all started for Tony, who initially got involved with the Branch committee, rising up the ranks as Deputy Chair and Chair before being elected to STEP’s worldwide Council and, later, STEP’s worldwide Board.

Remaining relevant

Having been on STEP’s Board for three years, working as Deputy Chair alongside outgoing worldwide Chair Nancy Golding KC TEP, Tony is well positioned to take the baton and is looking forward to continuing with some of the important projects currently underway.

‘We need to continue to deliver on our strategy, particularly in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion and the Power of Volunteers initiative, which are both really important,’ he says.

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