STEP news
TQR: new year, new edition, new look
We are excited to announce that the Trust Quarterly Review (TQR) has received a design refresh for 2023.
In the first issue of 2023, which is now available, readers will be able to see what we have been working on. Changes include new cover designs, accessibility tweaks, such as the use of sans-serif fonts throughout, a more modern layout for body copy and the inclusion of headshots for all authors. We hope you like the changes we have made!
This issue includes an analysis of the UK Privy Council decision in Grand View Private Trust Co Ltd and another v Wen-Young Wong and others; a look at how practitioners should respond to the retrocession crisis in Liechtenstein; an assessment of New Zealand’s succession law and the need for modernisation; and an overview of new Italian administrative guidelines on the taxation of trusts. It also includes a review of Asia-Pacific Trusts Law: Volume 1 – Theory and Practice in Context.
To read or download the issue online, or to access the TQR archive, visit
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Deputy Chairs and new Directors announced
STEP is delighted to announce that Rod Luker TEP of STEP South Australia and Alan Milgate TEP of STEP Cayman Islands have been elected as Deputy Chairs of STEP’s worldwide Board for 2023.
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